Thanksgiving Turkathlon 2023
Time for an NES Relay Race! Come watch friends of the Best of NES compete in a relay race streaming live on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Join us at the 2023 Lawnmower World Cup! Get ready for some grass cutting action. Watch as team USA, France, and Canada battle to trim virtual lawns and avoid rocks. Events Blind Race (feat Yelsraek, TheLCC, and SacriJus) Knock Out Tournament Randomizer Blind Romhack Race Featuring USA jimmypoopins brightshadow syn Yelsraek France Seijouf JyKin […]
BoNES Marathon 2023
The BoNES Marathon is back! We’re gathering the best players from around the world to take part in a multi-day marathon of NES speedruns. What is it? The Best of NES (BoNES) marathon celebrates NES speedrunning by showcasing world record holders and top runners of the entire NES library. It runs for several days to […]
High Score Event 2024
A point-based event! You have one hour to get the highest score you can. You have as many attempts as you'd like within the one hour period and you do not need to complete a game or get to a certain round, just get the highest score you can. In the case of someone achieving […]
Friday the 13th Knockout
Can you survive?? BoNES will be running a Friday the 13th Knockout race on April 13th. The slowest runner(s) from each heat will be eliminated and the remaining runners will continue until there is only one remaining!
Lawnmower Remix 2024
It's mowing season! This is a blind race event and anyone can join. Players will receive the ROM file prior to the event via Discord, then will be racing almost immediately after. The format of the event may change based on the number of participants.
NES Odyssey
Can we beat every NES game in a week? We’re going to try to beat 800 NES Games over the course of a week. This includes all the licensed NES games used by runners that have beaten every NES game, such as TheMexicanRunner. This also includes several selected Famicom, Unlicensed, and Homebrew games. There are certainly […]
NES Open Masters Tournament
Complete rules to be announced during the race but there will be 4 rounds of golf, after 2 rounds of golf we will knock out a portion of the group based on score. We will then do 2 more rounds of golf. We may play on all 3 courses (US/UK/JAPAN) NOTE: This SCORE based not […]
NES Odyssey: Operation Backup
Twitch is deleting VODs/Highlights on April 19th, 2025. This will result in speedrun history being lost. The initiative here is a community effort to both identify what runs are at risk, and then support with ensuring they are saved whether through the runner's confirmation, board mods confirmation, or the community's own hosting, storage, and upload. […]
Chip ‘N Dale: Rescue Rangers Knockout
One Night Only Tournament! Rules: Everyone will start the run at the same time (RNG Lock is allowed). After the race is finished, the slowest runner or multiple runners will be eliminated from the group. We will then race again and repeat the process until we have a winner!